About Me

Hi there! I am so very pleased you stopped in to take a peek at my photography web page! I am the momma pictured in the middle of the top picture! My sweet, hard working and handsome hubby (since 1988) is right next to me and we are surrounded by our beautiful nine children! Uh umm the kids aren't going to like that I put up pictures from about 3 years ago, but that was the last time the whole FAM was together! Hopefully this summer I can replace this with their current selves! My claim to fame is having this great big family and always having a party happening, dancing in the kitchen while preparing a big meal together, a sporting event to go to, competition in Scrabble, Bananagrams, Catan, etc..., Or me chasing them around with a camera, lol!

And to finish off, since the title of this is About Me... I am a "see the cup half full" kind of gal, actually I like to keep my cup FULL, full of coffee in the morning, water in the afternoon and wine in the evening! I can live off of caffeine and little sleep! I love to explore places near and far, especially warm sunny beaches, any chance I get. God comes first in my life, family second and then always on the lookout to have some FUN is third! And my photography is FUN! I have been photographing as my full time career for 6 years now! When the average Joe asks me where I work, I say, "I don't go to work, I go to play everyday, because I enjoy what I do and it is a whole heck of a lot of FUN!"